Migraines Are Dumb
Migraines or chronic headaches weren’t a problem until my 40’s. I couldn’t understand the severity of what migraines do to a person until I experienced my first skull-splitting episode. Way worse than a really bad headache, times 10. Getting a daith piercing saved my sanity.
Reasons For Migraines or Chronic Headaches
Dehydration – must drink water EVERYDAY
Stress – tension builds up right into your noggin’
Hormonal – all genders can have hormone imbalance
Allergies – holy hay fever and pollen, Batman!
Light Sensitivity – too much light into eyeballs = bad
Weather Changes – animals aren’t the only predictors
Caffeine Withdrawal – a daily soda swig is no bueno
Back Pain – the spine connects up to our skull…
Other Pain – fill in the blank; almost anything can cause them
9 Ways to Relieve Migraines
- My go-to relief cocktail when I feel a migraine coming on is to take TWO EXCEDRINE MIGRAINE PILLS WITH A DR. PEPPER CHASER. Without the extra boost of caffeinated soda/cola/pop (because I don’t typically drink it), my migraines will fester, going full-blown later in the day. Sometimes I am stubborn or in denial, thinking I can suppress it with mind powers, but it’d get even more wicked without my full concoction of pills+pop.
- When my elixir of choice wouldn’t work or I waited too long, I’d succumb to a DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION (Imitrex) that cut the pain by half (thank goodness) but the side effects are nausea, dry-heaving, and vomiting. I’d have an internal battle whether that was worth it or not.
- I’ve tried the SOAK YOUR FEET IN HOT WATER WHILE HOLDING A COLD COMPRESS TO THE BASE OF YOUR SKULL method, sworn to work by many. Hot water draws blood away from the head and cold shrinks the vessels, avoiding built-up pressure/pain.
- LAYING IN A COLD, DARK ROOM IN SILENCE may reduce symptoms. Noise-cancelling headphones are handy, but can backfire for tinnitus sufferers (which I have; so does Steve Martin, Ozzy Osbourne, and Captain Kirk!)
- SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS BY A CHIROPRACTOR help me a ton. Treatment depends on your state laws and not all chiropractors are the same (they’re like snowflakes). I’ve had enough experience with not-so-good ones to magical genius level that I’m a believer. A “minor” fender bender in 2002 causes my back to randomly go wonky. Going too long without a proper adjustment, my muscles, nerves, and bones freak out, pushing migraines straight up into my skull. I genuinely don’t know what I would do without my trusted chirocrackers. Doctor Matt Finlinson at Aspen Summit Chiropractic in Mapleton, Utah is my favorite (this is not an ad; he and his massage therapist, Baylee, help me so much!)
- BOTOX INJECTIONS. A friend resorts to getting doctor prescribed botox shots in her face to combat chronic migraines (more than 15 in a month).
- DENTAL GUARD to prevent teeth grinding while sleeping, if that’s causing headaches. Gritting your teeth when mad also cause headaches.
- ESSENTIAL OILS are all the rage lately. A roller ball of fractionated coconut oil + lavender oil + peppermint oil to the base of my neck and behind my ears bring some relief to my headaches and tension. Use LUCKYBLOGS discount code at Spark Naturals for 10% off your order.
- DAITH PIERCING – an inner ear cartilage piercing done by an experienced professional piercer based on acupuncture. Piercers won’t guarantee a daith piercing will relieve pain or migraines, most medical professionals swear it doesn’t work – claiming it’s a placebo – but if you had lots of migraines before then rarely after…? Most people I’ve come across who’s had it done said that it eliminated most, if not all, their headaches/migraines. For less than the cost of the doctor prescribed migraine meds, I felt like it was worth a try.
Daith Piercing (rhymes with goth) – got mine July 2017!
Deciding to get my daith pierced once I heard about it gave me hope. I had at least 3 headaches/migraines a week, was tired of taking pills, and exhausted from migraine hangovers. The pain controlled my days and the thought of something as simple as an earring intrigued me. If it didn’t work, I could pull it out!
If you’re not going to pierce both daiths, then choose the side where your headaches start. One for me worked so I haven’t bothered getting the other one done.
After getting feedback from people who have multiple piercings, I decided on Koi Piercing Studio in Salt Lake City, Utah. All they do is piercing (a good indicator they know what they’re doing), plus they’re stocked with a huge variety of jewelry.
Each piercer has their own clean space with surgical supplies for sterilization. They explain how the process will go and care instructions for your piercing: Keep it clean, showering is enough (to soften and wipe away the healing crust), and DON’T TOUCH IT! Seriously, touching it is THE WORST thing you can do – it’s hard not to, but it must stay clean.
My piercer, Dj, sent me off with his cell phone number to text anytime I have questions about my piercing. That’s great service.
We returned a week later to pierce my 14 year old’s earlobes (which were a redo from a poor gun-style experience at Claire’s when she was younger).
My Daith Piercing Experience
Dj cleaned my ear and applied a topical numbing solution while I laid on a table. He used a hollow surgical needle (slices the hole instead of traumatically shoving through like the gun piercings) plus a glass tube for the needle to exit into. The most important part of the whole process for me (and my daughter when she had her earlobes done) was to take deep, steady breaths. He pierced on my exhale and I felt nothing but a whoosh sensation with little pressure – no pain, pierce, or tweak. It was eleventy-million times better than getting my lobes pierced with a gun when I was younger. Edit in case you are pain sensitive: I went with a 70+ year old to get hers done and she said it hurt, but the pain went away when the piercing was done, which only took a couple seconds.
Post Daith Piercing 6+ Months
Daith Piercing – Does It Work? Had a light headache the next day, but my episodes went from 3+ per week to less than 3 per month with only 2 migraines in 6 months. Whether that’s a placebo, I don’t care – it works for me!
Healing: Cartilage piercings take longer than lobes due to the thicker material, with the daith healing from outside inward in about a year. Crusting happens, which means it’s healing (as the flesh heals, it pushes the liquid out and eventually replaces it with solid). Regular showering to get the piercing wet for wiping the crust away should be enough to keep it clean. Salt water in a spray bottle with a paper towel or washcloth under the earlobe to catch the drip is my second method. Another way is soaking it in salt water, but leaning my head sideways into a cup doesn’t seem like it would be as comfortable as taking a quick shower. Especially in the beginning stages of healing, avoid bacteria by keeping piercings dry in pools and spas. AND DO NOT TOUCH IT EVEN A LITTLE. The ear must stay as clean as possible to avoid bacteria getting into the piercing.
Problems With It? The only time I’ve had issues is if I skipped showering for a couple days (built up crust that I didn’t let soften enough before wiping it away) and when I played with it about 2 months in. Remember that it heals from the outside in… I fiddled with the ring while watching TV. The next morning my daith was swollen, so I washed it in the shower then added salt water piercing spray and left it alone. It chilled out within 3 days and I learned my lesson. DON’T TOUCH IT.
Should You Get Your Daith Pierced?
Only you can answer that.
Some people say: it hurts (didn’t hurt me), doesn’t work (works wonders for me), takes forever to heal (be patient, it beats having so many migraines), causes more problems (maybe they used an inferior metal or material they’re allergic to – try surgical steel or gold), or looks unprofessional (choose a less conspicuous color or hairstyle that conceals it if you’re worried). I’d rather have pain relief than worry about what people think of my earring… think about your mental health!