Boy, howdy, there are many rules to play Bunco and about as many Bunco score sheet printables! This one includes the simplified version of the play-for-yourself rules with a separate totals section at the bottom to make sorting easier.
- Snacks! My favorite is Chewy Spree, and chocolate is a must!
- Three tables with dice-rolling-friendly top and four chairs each.
- Nine dice, three on each table; four players at each table.
- Bunco score sheet and pen or pencil for each of the twelve players.
- Twelve prizes (options are discussed below)
- Roll a dice to determine who starts at each table.
- Someone starts each play by yelling or ringing a bell.
- Always roll three dice until you don’t roll the number up.
- Play passes to the player on the left when you don’t roll the number up.
- Points tallied on your Bunco score sheet:
1 point for each dice that is the number up
5 points for a triple that isn’t the number up
21 points & yell Bunco for a triple of the number up
Fuzzy dice (or marker of some sort) for triple 2’s (Traveler) - The Traveler marker trades to each player that rolls triple 2’s
- A Bunco is a triple of the number up or 21 points.
- Rolling stops when someone yells Bunco.
- The next number up is the next play. Round ends after 6’s.
- The player with the lowest points at the end of each round (the 6’s) moves to another table.
- First to roll the next round is the person to the left of the person who started the last round.
- Game ends after six rounds of six.
- Each player totals their own Buncos, Travelers, and points at the bottom of the score sheet.
- Prizes are divided as follows: most Buncos picks 1st, most points picks 2nd, 3rd and 4th, least points picks 5th, the traveler picks 6th, then the rest of the players pick 7th through 12th in descending order of points.
- Teams of two, earning points along with the person sitting across from you.
- Roll three dice, the number up is on one or two so you leave it/them on the table and roll the other(s) until you don’t roll the number up.
- Head table, second table, and losers table; you work your way up or down the tables as you play. Usually the head table has to roll Bunco to end play even if players from other tables roll Bunco or hit 21 points.
- Winner takes all; usually done in a cash only game without prizes.
- Swingers like to play to win other’s lovers, but I’d hate to be the last to pick.
- Dinner before starting, dessert after round three, prizes and mingling when done.
- The Traveler marker is a pair of fuzzy dice (or other stuffed something) that hangs in the Traveler’s rearview mirror until next game.
There are a plethora of ways to manage the prizes. My favorite is everyone buys in at the same amount ($10-20) and the prizes are valued at the same price but are variations of the same thing or theme. This is especially handy if players don’t want to gamble. If you put in $10 and get a $10 prize back, it’s like shopping!
Prizes could be earrings, necklaces, scarves, candles, moisturizers, auto accessories, hunting and camping gear, taxidermy coupons, restaurant or theme park gift cards. Charming Charlie has amazing scarf patterns and reasonably priced trendy jewelry. Try Cabela’s or a local sporting goods store if you’re looking for hunting gear.
For those who like having differing values of prizes, I’d suggest choosing a theme: spa services and products (massage as the big item then facials, manicures, and nail polish), entertainment (theater tickets, movie tickets, refill concession cups, DVD’s, gourmet popcorn, candies), kitchen (gadgets, cookbooks, dish towels, recipe holders, baking pans, Silpat sheets), candles (candle warmers, fancy candles, candelabras, votives, scent refills), summer (passes to the local water park, pedicures, canvas tote filled with snacks, beach towels, suntan lotions, sunscreen, flip flops, sunglasses) and Tupperware (who couldn’t use another storage container).
You could host a one-time Bunco night with friends or coordinate with 12 others who want to share hostessing duties and rotate houses weekly or monthly. However you decide to play Bunco the main objective is to get together with nice people and have fun.
This printable is FREE to my subscribers for hanging in there with me (Wee! It would be NO FUN without you!) If you are new here and aren’t already a subscriber, click the SUBSCRIBE button at the top of the page to join the fun of free printables! Your computer must have Adobe Reader to access the file.
Click here to download the “Bunco” with Rules Printable
8.5 x 11 (2 score sheets per page)
Click here to download the “Bunco” without Rules Printable
8.5 x 11 (2 score sheets per page)
*Copyright for personal use only. If you’d like to share this printable, please PIN IT (see button below this sentence) or link to this post.

Summer says
Soooo we kinda need to get a bunch of people together and play again – I miss playing!
Lucky says
We should! Maybe a one-time play instead of monthly?
Lucky says
Playing is fun! We could just do a one night gig instead of longer commitment :)
ashlie says
is there anyway to edit this score sheet? we only play 3 rounds. Thanks please let me know asap
Lucky says
I’m a bit late in replying, sorry about that. If you only play three rounds, don’t fill in rounds 4-6 and it’ll still work. The extra space could be used to calculate or count hashmarks (some people use numbers, some hashmarks, and some count IN THEIR HEADS — that’s not me, hahaha!)